映像、3つの音声(41分ループ再生)、1949 年台湾の写真、「客家」の花布、台湾で購入 した中国製の布、メモ書きをトレースした刺繍、写真、 台湾で販売された日本製ゲームの写真
1900 × 1200
(three sounds, video, a photograph of Taiwan in 1949, a chinese fabric I bought in Taiwan, an embroidery of the traced the note, Hakka floral fabric, a photograph of Japanese games sold in Taiwan, a photograph)
1900 × 1200
sounds total: 41min, play on repeat
I participated in the exhibition in Taiwan several years ago and I became friends with many Taiwanese there. Their awareness of and attitude toward “Taiwan” left a strong impression on me at the time. A few years later, I was thinking about people who speak Japanese living in the country other than Japan. One of those places was Taiwan.
I wanted to listen to the story of people who has lived in Taiwan from the era of Japanese rule and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)’s rule to the present. That’s why I interviewed the 90-year-old Taiwanese, who is from the generation called “Japanese generation” in my previous work. In this work, I listened to the stories of seven Taiwanese who are the children and grandchildren of the Japanese generations and Japanese generations.
I made this work by mainly using the sound of their dialogue and using the video of the current Taiwan taken with a film camera, the Chinese cloth and the Taiwanese cloth I bought in Taiwan, and the image of Japanese game sold in Taiwan.