14分29秒 スクリーンサイズ: 1614 × 1070
Video installation(a cloth, a glass cylinder, projector)
14min 29sec. Screen size: 1614 × 1070
取材協力: 原子力発電環境整備機構(NUMO)
This work is for the exhibition in Romania which has the theme of the “Anthropocene”.
During visiting Europe, I saw a flag with a hole in Romania. It is a symbol of resistance by citizen in the Romanian Revolution by cutting out the emblem of the dictatorship.
I was reminded “the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in 2011” by this theme, “Anthropocene.” How does one person deal with something of this geological time scale? I thought that the first step to face this big event was to break it down into individual scales.
“What if the high-level radioactive waste that exists in Japan today were to be distributed to us individually.”
I have decided to bury this volume of glass equal to the fictitiously allocated radioactive waste of one Japanese person in the backyard.
To dig a hole. As I dig, my body hit the wall, the soil collapses and I’m buried again. To dig, to be buried. To move on, go back, and go forward again. Slowly and surely, the hole becomes more than the body that creates itself. The digging body seems to have gained a protected territory, but finds itself in a space that it cannot easily escape.
Interviewed by: Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NUMO)